Re-collecting on the Missionary Road
The intention of this project is to re-collect and re-assemble a wide range of artefacts associated with the missionary road. In the longer term, the project will result in a major exhibition at the Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology, scheduled for 2024.
On the Path of British Missionaries in the Congo
MAA was proud to work with the Congo Great Lakes Initiative (CGLI) during 2016 on this ‘Our Heritage’ project, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project involved three workshops between April and August, leading to an exhibition that will open in MAA’s Micro Gallery for Black History Month in October 2016.
Who Cares? Missionary Heritage Network
Britain was one of the most significant sources of missionaries to Africa and the Pacific during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. While histories of missionary activity continue to matter to people in these now strongly Christian parts of the world...
The Northcote W. Thomas Project
The Northcote W. Thomas website, funded by the Alborada Trust, explores part of the extraordinary collection made by Northcote Whitridge Thomas in Edo Land, Nigeria, between 1909 and 1913 and held at MAA. It is a continuation of research conducted...
ECLAP (European Collected Library of Artistic Performance)
MAA’s representative collections are accessible on European Collected Library of Artistic Performance (ECLAP) through a two-year research project (2011–13) with support from a grant from the European Commission. Project ECLAP was initiated in 2010 with over 20 European participant countries...
Australian ACCELERATE programme visitors to MAA
MAA hosted two visitors in November who were recipients of Australia’s ACCELLERATE programme for 2013-2014. The programme offers intensive leadership...
Educational and Cultural Exchange with Torres Strait Islander students
Delegation from Tagai State College in front of the Torres Strait display at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology on 13 November 2013. Left to right: Curator Anita Herle, Stephen Yamashia, Amelia Mari, Valent Kirk, Margaret Rishbeth (Haddon’s graddaughter), Zach...
Artefacts of Encounter
Artefacts of Encounter was a 3-year project (April 2010 – March 2013) based at MAA. The research aimed to track down artefacts collected on more than 40 voyages that entered Polynesia between 1765-1840, and to use those artefacts as primar....
Melanesian Art
‘Melanesian art: objects, narratives and indigenous owners’ explored the relationships between a wide range of indigenous art and artefact forms, socially-significant narratives, and the indigenous communities from which historic collections of Melanesian art derive. Focusing on the important but largely...
The Island Catalogue
Over the last twenty years, museums have been diagnosed as instruments of modern western rationality. Ethnographic museums, particularly, have been seen as vehicles of knowledge, classification, and racial theory, theory that needless to say did violence to the Indigenous cultures...