"This is the image I will be focusing on, described in the label as a portrait of a priest holding a bible, which I have personally selected from the MAA's photography archives. I have selected this image as I personally believe that this portrait relates closely to my zeitgeist module: wealth and portraiture. For context and a better understanding, I am looking at portraiture and wealth in the wider sense of what people value and hold close to in their life... whether it be dogs, people, personal objects, that project value towards oneself which in turn defines ones personal defenition of wealth and turning away from the monetary defenition of wealth.
Which brings me back to this image of the priest and how people define wealth, in this circumstance the path of religion and how people find religion as a wealthy way of living."
Portrait of a priest holding a bible. England, United Kingdom. Allen Collection. MAA N.64121.FAL
Final image
Woman (Erin) sat down, holding onto possessions previously owned by her grandfather. Glancing down in a state of sentimentality. The possessions evoking shadows of memories that once were. They now live through the objects themselves.
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Photo by Alexander Tiffin, 5th March 2022
Further research from the MAA collections
Photographs from the Allen Collection. Left to right: Rev P. Greeves; Dickson; Dr Watson; Rev Nickson; Christie.