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Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology


Glass from the Roman Empire on display in the Andrews Gallery at MAA


A brand new, fully searchable online catalogue of the object, photograph and document collections cared for by MAA was launched in August 2020 and can be found at

Researchers, students, members of interested communities and the public may use images and data from the collections for academic, educational and creative purposes under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Please note however that permission generally needs to be obtained from copyright holders for works by living or recently deceased artists, makers and photographers.  


The Museum's catalogues include historic descriptions and representations that are factually inaccurate, racist and otherwise inappropriate. We are committed to the work of addressing hurtful legacies in the collections we care for. We ask for your help in identifying images or data that cause offence or harm, and we welcome your feedback or suggestions which can be sent to


Limited access to collections, October 2024 – March 2025

We are in the process of moving objects to the new Centre for Material Culture, improving access to collections in the long term. Moves between sites might limit accessibility to MAA collections between October 2024 and March 2025 inclusive.

We ask all those interested to take account of these dates before planning a visit to the MAA collections. As always, please contact MAA as early as possible, and before making travel arrangements, to ensure we can accommodate your request.

Two million years of human history. One million artefacts. Countless astonishing stories.