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Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology


MAA plays an active role in both research and the teaching of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Cambridge, across many departments, but especially in support of the Department of Social Anthropology, and the Department of Archaeology.


A lecturer and students examine objects in the Keyser workspace at MAA


Students and a lecturer examine archaeological objects in the Keyser workspace at MAA



We regularly host undergraduate practicals in archaeology, as well as from a number of other departments. Curators teach in undergraduate and MPhil courses in both Archaeology and Anthropology, and also supervise MPhil and PhD students.






Acrylic painting on canvas of Cambridge College roofscapes titled 'Māori in Cambridge', by Alison Waru. Painted during the closing of MAA's Pasifika Styles exhibition, February 2008.

MAA 2019.59.










For more information about practicals, teaching and supervision, please see the following sections on our website:

Undergraduate studies

MPhil studies

PhD studies




Piece of clunch on which is engraved about half the head of an Early Decorated six light window. 

Medieval; c. 1280. Old Chapel, St John's College, Cambridge, UK.

MAA Z 15088. Photography by Gwil Owen.





Two million years of human history. One million artefacts. Countless astonishing stories.