2014. 'Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble': Iron Age and Early Roman Cauldrons of Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 80, 327-362.
2014. Brit-art: Celtic Art in Roman Britain and on its Frontiers. In Celtic Art in Europe: Making Connections (eds) C. Gosden, S. Crawford & K. Ulmschneider, 315-324. Oxbow Books, Oxford.
2014. With N. Meeks & A. Mongiatti. Precious metal torcs from the Iron Age Snettisham Treasure: metallurgy and analysis. In Under the Volcano: Proceedings of the SMEIA held in Mannheim, Germany, 20-22 April 2010 (eds) E. Pernicka & R. Schwab, 135-156. Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden.
2014. Looking death in the face: different attitudes towards bog bodies and their display with a focus on Lindow Man. In Regarding the Dead: human remains in the British Museum (eds) A. Fletcher, D. Antoine & JD Hill, 10-19. British Museum Press, London.
2013. With A. Baldwin & J. Hood. The cauldrons from Chiseldon. British Archaeology (January/February), 36-41.
2012. With C. Cartwright, N. Meeks, D. Hook & A. Mongiatti. Organic cores from the Iron Age Snettisham torc hoards: technological insights revealed by scanning electron microscopy. In Historical technology, materials and conservation (eds) N. Meeks, C. Cartwright, A. Meek & A. Mongiatti, 21-29. Archetype, London.
2012. Kunst in der Provinz Britannia. In Die Welt der Kelten: Zentren der Macht – Kostbarkeiten der Kunst (eds) R. Röber, M. Jansen, S. Rau & C. von Nicolai, 489-97. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern.
2011. Fancy objects in the British Iron Age: why decorate? Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 77, 205-229.
2011. Exploring status and identity in later Iron Age Britain: re-interpreting mirror burials. In Atlantic Europe in the first millennium BC: crossing the divide (eds) T. Moore & X.-L. Armada, 468-487. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
2011. The Iron Age. In The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion (ed.) T, Insoll, 405-424. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
2010. Reflections on the Iron Age: biographies of mirrors. BAR British Series 518: Oxford
2009. Reinvigorating object biography: reproducing the drama of object lives. World Archaeology 41(4), 540-556.
2009. Lindow Man. British Museum Press: London.
2008. Reflections on Celtic Art: a re-examination of mirror decoration. In Rethinking Celtic art (eds) D. Garrow, C. Gosden & J. D. Hill, 78-99. Oxbow Books: Oxford.
2007. With M. Giles. Mirrors in the British Iron Age. In The Book of the Mirror: an interdisciplinary collection exploring the cultural story of the mirror (ed.) M. Anderson, 16-31. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle.
2002. Biography of a medal: people and the things they value. In Materiel Culture: the archaeology of twentieth-century conflict (eds) J. Schofield, W. G. Johnson & C. M. Beck, 132-142. Routledge: London.