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Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

The Andrews Gallery with cases displaying world archaeology collections. The gallery has a balustrade around the space in the centre of the room, which opens out into the gallery below. At the far end of the gallery a totem pole rises from the floor below

The Sensational Museum at MAA

The Sensational Museum is a research project radically re-thinking the role of senses in museums. We want to offer all visitors memorable, inclusive, engaging and enjoyable experiences. The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology is a pilot museum in this project to co-develop sensory and equitable access.


We are looking to work with a small team of people with lived experiences of disability to join us as we develop a multi-sensory display. If you are over 18, and self-identify as either disabled, D/deaf and/or Neurodiverse we would love to hear from you.


  • Diverse range of backgrounds and identities welcomed
  • People who are interested to share their lived experience or expertise with the rest of the group
  • People who are comfortable working collaboratively with others
  • Live locally to the museum
  • 18 or over
  • Self-identify as either disabled, D/deaf and/or Neurodiverse
  • Museum experience not necessary


There will be four Saturday workshops in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in autumn 2024. In these, we will meet to discuss and explore objects and ideas to co-develop a new display. We will provide refreshments, and a £40 thank you per co-developer for each session (a voucher if preferred). We can pay local travel expenses, e.g. public transport or short drives and parking. We can cover the costs of accessibility-related expenses (such as BSL interpreters etc.). Spaces are limited.


If you are interested, please contact Sarah-Jane Harknett (Head of Public Engagement and Learning at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology):


Visit The Sensational Museum website to discover more about this exciting project.