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Fiji comprises over three hundred islands in the South Pacific. People, places and ideas are linked by the sea. The intermingling of distinctive cultural traditions is demonstrated by the rich material in MAA's collections. 


Painting. J. Glen Wilson, 1856. A fleet of drua off the coast of Ovalau Island. By the mid-19th century some drua measured 30 metres in length and were capable of carrying over 100 men. The pennants streaming from the lower yard of the central canoe identify her as the Ramarama, flagship of the Cakobau, the Vunivalu of Bau. Private collection.

Almost 3000 years of voyages and migrations has created a complex settlement picture in Fiji. By the 19th century extensive exchange networks were established between competitive chieftainships throughout Western Polynesia. Double-hulled canoes (drua) travelled long distances throughout the region. Refinements in their design are indicative of the movement of specialist knowledge and skills.

Samoan and Tongan canoebuilders settled in the coastal regions of eastern Fiji, where they worked in the service of local chiefs. Their skills were adapted to the production of highly valued regalia fasioned from the teeth of the sperm whale (Physeter catodon or macrocephalus). 

Materials originating from the sea carried high status. Tabua, a presentation whale's tooth attached to a fibrous cord, continue to be the most important of all Fijian valuables. They mark political alliances and are gifted on occasions such as births, death and the settlement of grievances. 

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