MAA administers the Frederick Williamson Memorial Fund, an historic endowment, from which research grants are made available annually.
Applications are now invited to the Frederick Williamson Memorial Fund with deadline of 5 April 2025
The Managers of the Fund invite applications for RESEARCH GRANTS on a topic relating to the peoples of Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim and neighbouring Himalayan areas, their society, religion and material culture. The Managers interpret this requirement strictly, in accordance with the interests of the late Frederick Williamson. The Managers only feel able to support research in areas other than Tibet, Bhutan and Sikkim when it focuses specifically on peoples who have strong cultural ties with the regions specified. The Managers also invite applications for a WILLIAMSON FELLOWSHIP tenable for a period not exceeding twelve months, beginning on 1 October 2025 or such date as may be agreed. The Fellow will be expected to devote himself or herself to research on a topic in the area of study specified above. Applicants for a Fellowship or a Grant must be graduates in a field appropriate to their proposed research; they need not be members of the University of Cambridge.
Applicants for a Fellowship should clearly state whether, if unsuccessful, they wish to be considered for the award of a grant. It should be noted that the Frederick Williamson Memorial Fund is a relatively small Fund. In recent years the total amount available for distribution each year has been around £10,000 and consequently the Managers normally distribute grants and only award Fellowships in exceptional circumstances. Please also note that the Managers will not normally entertain requests for supplementary funds for projects which have already received grants from the Fund, unless it has been indicated in the initial application that the project would have more than one phase.
Detailed applications for a Grant or Fellowship should include a curriculum vitae, a 2-page research proposal incorporating a programme of activity plus a brief (single page) budget for the proposed research and a statement of financial support that has been obtained or requested from other sources. In addition, the names and addresses of two referees are required and please note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ask referees to submit references direct to the Museum Manager by the closing date of 5 April. Applications should reach the Museum Manager, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DZ (email: by 5 April 2025. Please note there is no application form; applicants should apply by letter. Successful applicants may expect to hear of their awards by the end of June but please note that in some instances grants may not be payable until after 1 August.