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Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology


MAA administers the Crowther-Beynon Fund, an historic endowment, from which research grants are made available annually.

Applications are now invited to the Crowther-Beynon Fund with deadline of 5 April 2025

The Crowther-Beynon Fund is an endowment for the University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology for the improvement of its collections. The Management Committee makes a limited number of awards annually, often to research students in archaeology, anthropology and related fields. 

Projects may be related to material already in the Museum, or can involve acquiring new material for the Museum's collections. Projects related to existing collections should enhance and consolidate knowledge of a selected group of artefacts through research and/or documentation. Grants are also available to improve the care and condition of artefacts, and to facilitate access to the Museum's collections, e.g. through exhibition or publication.

It should be noted that The Crowther-Beynon Fund is a relatively small Fund. In recent years the external awards have typically been in the region of £400 - £900.

It is essential to consult curatorial staff at the Museum prior to submitting an application so that the relevance of a project to the Museum's collections can be properly assessed.

For further information and to apply for this research grant download the application form form: 

Application forms must be emailed to  and received no later that 5 April 2025.