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Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology






Mary Butcher, Susan Kinley, Helen Marton, Syann van Niftrik, Julian Stair, Sheila Teague and Gary Wright

This is an intervention into MAA’s experimental World Archaeology Gallery by a group of seven contemporary craft artists, ranging from artist jewellers to potters. Their work, which is displayed in and around six of the museum’s recently refurbished hundred-year-old display cases alongside Bronze Age items from the museum’s collection, is a direct expression of their engagement with the creativity and craft of the European Bronze Age, c. 2500 – 800 BC.

The artists have experienced excavations of Bronze Age sites in Hungary, handled precious Bronze Age razors at the National Museet in Denmark, and explored key sites in the UK alongside archaeologists, including Stonehenge in Wiltshire. This is the story, told through their work, of their Bronze Age explorations so far.

The CinBA Artists:


The CinBA Makers Engagement project has been facilitated by the Crafts Council and the University of Southampton, with generous support from the University of Cambridge, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, the National Museum of Denmark, the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Zagreb Archaeological Museum, Lejre Archaeological Park (Sagnlandet)– see

Two million years of human history. One million artefacts. Countless astonishing stories.